Awaken Your Spirit: Embracing Wellness with Yoga Practice

The first mention of the word “yoga” appears in Rig Veda, a collection of ancient texts. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means “union” or “to join.” Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. Since the 80s, the ancient Indian discipline of yoga has been taking the western world by storm. Existing in many forms today, the controversies, complexities, and communities that surround modern yoga are excellently reflected in the World. A regular yoga practice can promote endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being. Smayjak Yoga School is the real example of incredible diversity, the passion and hard work, and of course, the amazing yoga community. Along with a wealth of yoga pose and sequence guides, in Smayjak Yoga School, you’ll also find tips on Kundalini practice, Ayurveda advice, discussions on yoga politics, and even ideas for making your own career in Yoga. There are many different types of yoga available. The style a person chooses will depend on their expectations and level of physical ability. People with major health issues, should approach yoga slowly and with caution. Yoga can help support a balanced, active lifestyle. The yamas and niyamas are yoga’s ethical guidelines laid out in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. They’re like a map written to guide you on your life’s journey. Simply put, the yamas are things not to do, or restraints, while the niyamas are things to do or observances. Together, they form a moral code of conduct.

The five yamas, self-regulating behaviors involving our interactions with other people and the world at large, include

  • Ahimsa: nonviolence
  • Satya: truthfulness
  • Asteya: non-stealing
  • Brahmacharya: non-excess (often interpreted as celibacy)
  • Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, non-greed.

The five niyamas, personal practices that relate to our inner world, include

  • Saucha: purity
  • Santosha: contentment
  • Tapas: self-discipline, training your senses
  • Svadhyaya: self-study, inner exploration
  • Ishvara Pranidhana: surrender 

Acharya Kartikay says that studying the yamas and niyamas have taught him how to navigate his everyday interactions, especially when it comes to having difficult conversations. Through his practice, he says he’s learned to be gentle yet direct. Finding that balance is just as much a practice as mastering the Handstand or Tree pose.

Types of Yoga

Yoga is one of the most popular physical practices worldwide and is the legacy of its followers who take an oath to it. Some of the important types of yoga are Hath Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Hot Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Power Yoga, Aerial Yoga, etc.

Benefit of Yoga

  1. People from all over the world perform yoga to relax and keep their bodies fit. People all over the world have started to realize the benefits of yoga.
  2. Yoga exercises have electrifying impacts on the nervous system through their non-tiring physiological activities that bring about ease of body and mind. Unlike the normal workouts that concentrate more on the inflation of the muscles, Yoga takes care of every little part of the anatomy.
  3. The human body is a machine that continues to perform without any break, and the metabolic process creates toxins and waste products. Therefore, to maintain the purity of blood and elimination of toxins, both external and internal hygiene are indispensable.
  4. The benefits of various yoga techniques have been considered to improve body flexibility, performance, stress reduction, attainment of inner peace, and self-realization.
  5. Physical Benefit – It improves body flexibility, strong cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, relaxation of muscle tension, weight control, increased energy level, increased immune system, etc.
  6. Spiritual benefits include the meaning, purpose, direction, inner peace of life, peace, and aesthetic pleasures.
  7. Mental benefits include stress relief, avoidance of stress-related disorders, better decision-making skills, and more.

So we can conclude here by saying,

When we practice yoga we also develop a higher patience level which also helps in keeping away negative thoughts. It is not merely physical activity, as it enables a person to control mental, emotional, and spiritual thoughts.

It is very beneficial when we make yoga an essential part of our life and practice it on a daily basis. Everyone should practice it to live a healthy and long life.

In Smayjak Yoga School, anyone can practice yoga, regardless of age or religion. In today’s stressful world, yoga can be a calming exercise and can prove to be an effective way to control lifestyle diseases that the world is struggling to fight. With the increasing number of pandemics and new viruses weakening the immune response of the human body, yoga has the potential to make mankind naturally healthier.


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