Unlocking Inner Harmony: A Journey Through the Chakras

You may have heard this word Chakra, chakras healing, chakras balancing etc many times. What actually these CHAKRAS are? 

Chakras are seven energy centers in the physical body, according to ancient Indian and yoga texts. The Chakra system is believed to be thousands of years old and it is essential to many practices such as yoga, meditation and spirituality.

This blog will outline the basics of the seven main chakras, including their history, modern uses, and how you can learn more about this ancient method for connecting the mind and body.

What Are Chakras?

The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit meaning “wheel” or “disk”. The seven chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy that run along the spine. Each chakra is associated with a different color, element, and emotion. The chakras are also connected to different glands and organs in the human body. Chakras are the energy centers of the body. The conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers on the other hand is believed to lead to well-being and good health. They are located in the astral body, along the spine, starting as it’s base and running upwards to the crown of the head. The astral body is the energy body residing inside our physical body. The conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers on the other hand is believed to lead to well-being and good health. Through Asana practice, yoga seeks to stimulate and balance these chakras or energy centers in the body.

How many chakras are there in the body?

We generally hear about the ‘seven chakras’ but, there is an infinite number of chakras in the human body. A specific vibration, color, symbol and sound are associated with all 7 chakras. The seven main chakras in the body are:

  1. Muladhara Chakra- Root Chakra
  2. Svadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra
  3. Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. Anahata Chakra- Heart Chakra
  5. Vishuddha Chakra- Throat Chakra
  6. Ajna Chakra – Third eye Chakra
  7. Sehastrara Chakra- Crown Chakra 

What is the size of a Chakra?

Some people say that chakras are one foot in radius, while others say that they change their size according to the energy flow. Scriptures tell us that the chakras are very small, as they re located in the astral spinal cord.

The 7 Chakras:

1.  Muladhara Chakra(Root Chakra)-

Symbol: The root chakra symbol consists of a 4 petalled Lotus flower, a square and a downward facing triangle. 

          Color: Red

            Element: Earth

          Location: The Root chakra is also known Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is characterized by the emotions of survival, stability, ambition, and self sufficiency.

          Mantra: The seed mantra of Muladhara Chakra is ‘Lam’

Symptoms of a blocked Root Chakra: When this chakra is out of balance, a person starts feeling unstable, ungrounded, lack of ambition, lack of purpose, fearful, insecure, and frustrated. 

Yoga poses to balance the Root Chakra: Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) and Mountain Pose (Tadasana). 

2.  Svadhishthana Chakra(Sacral Chakra)-

Symbol: The symbol for the Svadhishthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra is made up of multiple circles, a crescent moon, and six lotus flower petals. The circles and crescent moon represent the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, while the 6 petals portray the 6 negative aspects of our nature that we need to overcome to open this chakra. 

Color: Orange

 Element: Water 

Location: The Svadhishthana Chakra, more commonly known as the Sacral Chakra, is located in the lower abdomen, about four fingers below the navel. Its attributes include the basic need for sexuality, as well as creativity and self-worth. 

 Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Sacral Chakra: When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, a person may feel emotionally explosive and irritable, sense a lack of energy and creativity, feel manipulative, or obsessed with sexual thoughts. 

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Svadhishthana Chakra is ‘Vam’.

Yoga poses to activate the Sacral Chakra: You can work on balancing the Svadhishthana Chakra by practicing poses like Crow Pose (Kakasana) or standing poses like Triangle Pose (Trikonasana).

 3.  Manipura Chakra(Solar Plexus Chakra)- 

Symbol: The Solar Plexus Chakra symbol consists of a downward-pointing triangle within a ten-petalled lotus flower. The ten petals symbolize ten negative character traits that we have to conquer, while the triangle is the Agni tattva or fire of kundalini energy which signifies our inner strength. 

Colour: Yellow

Element: Fire     

Location: The Manipura Chakra is located at the solar plexus, between the navel and the bottom of the rib cage. It is characterized by emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. 

Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: An imbalance of the Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest physically as digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. On an emotional level, one might struggle with depression, lack of self-esteem, anger, and perfectionism

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Manipura Chakra is ‘Ram’.  

Yoga poses for Solar Plexus Chakra alignment: Working on Manipura Chakra can be done in poses like Classical Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana), Classical Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana).  

4.  Anahata Chakra(Heart Chakra)- 

Symbol: In the Heart Chakra symbol, two triangles intersect to form a yantra which represents the balance of yin and yang, or upward and downward forces. Outside, there is a lotus flower with 12 petals symbolizing the twelve divine qualities associated with the heart. 

  Color: Green

Element: Air 

Location: As the name implies, the Anahata Chakra is located in the heart region. This chakra is the seat of balance, and it is characterized by emotions of love, attachment, compassion, trust, and passion. 

Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Heart Chakra: When the heart chakra is imbalanced, a person may deal with emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness.

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Anahata Chakra is ‘Yam’.

Yoga poses to balance the Heart Chakra: Heart Chakra can be balanced by practicing poses like Half Bridge Pose (Ardha Setubandhasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana).

5.  Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)- 

Symbol: The symbol of the Throat Chakra consists of a 16-petalled lotus flower surrounding an inverted triangle which holds a circle within. This represents spiritual growth and the purification of the body, mind, and spirit.

Color: Blue

Element: Space 

Location: The Visuddha Chakra is located at the base of the throat, coinciding with the thyroid gland. It is associated with inspiration, healthy expression, faith, and the ability to communicate well. 

Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Throat Chakra: A blockage in the throat chakra may be experienced as timidity, quietness, a feeling of weakness, or the inability to express our thoughts. 

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Vishuddha Chakra is ‘Ham’.

Yoga poses for Throat Chakra balance: Throat Chakra is stimulated in poses like Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) and Plough Pose (Halasana).

6.  Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)-

Symbol: The Third Eye Chakra symbol consists of an inverted triangle resting in a circle between two lotus petals. The two petals and downward-facing pyramid both signify wisdom, emphasizing the Third Eye Chakra’s role in our journey to spiritual awareness. 

Color: Indigo

Element: None 

Location: The Ajna Chakra (pronounced as ‘Agya Chakra’) is located between the eyebrows. Also known as the Third Eye Chakra, it is often used as a focal point during asana practice to develop more concentration and awareness. It is said that meditating upon this chakra destroys the karma of past lives and brings liberation and intuitive knowledge. Its attributes are intelligence, intuition, insight, and self-knowledge. 

Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Third Eye Chakra: When imbalanced, it may make you feel non-assertive and afraid of success, or on the contrary, it can make you more egotistical. An imbalance can manifest as physical problems like headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain.  

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Ajna Chakra is ‘Om’.

Yoga poses to balance the Third Eye Chakra: Ajna Chakra is stimulated when practicing Headstand (Shirshasana).

7.  Sahastrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)- 

Symbol: The Crown Chakra symbol is depicted as a ring of a thousand lotus petals surrounding an inverted triangle. This symbolizes the rising of divine energy into the Crown Chakra, bringing spiritual liberation and enlightenment. 

Color: Violet White

Element: None 

Location: The Sahastrara or Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head. The seventh chakra is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamic thought and energy. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. 

Symptoms of a blocked/imbalanced Crown Chakra: When it gets imbalanced, one might suffer from a constant sense of frustration, melancholy and destructive feelings. 

Mantra: The seed mantra (beej mantra) of Sahastrara Chakra is ‘Aum’.

Yoga poses to align the Crown Chakra: Balancing Sahasrara Chakra can be done by practicing Headstand (Shirshasana).

How To Balance your Chakras- Every Chakra rotates at a specific frequency and speed. An imbalance starts creating problems with the distribution of the pranas. Imagine what will happen if a 40 watt light bulb starts getting a 500 watt or 10 watt electricity supply! When we speak about balancing the Chakras we mean bringing them back to their regular speed. Here are some popular techniques for chakra cleansing and balancing: 

  • Diet
  • Asanas
  • Breathing
  • Meditation
  • Mudras


The 7 Chakras are powerful points in the energy body that help you maintain a healthy physical and emotional balance in life. On a deeper level, aligning your chakras can also help you tune into your true self and unlock the divine power within.


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