Yoga for Weight Gain: The Grounding Practice

Now, in a rapidly changing world, many people lose track in their lives trying to keep a healthy weight. Whereas weight loss usually puts most pressure on health discussions, gaining weight healthily is a struggle for some people. On a holistic basis, yoga has really got into grounding, balancing, and nurturing inner strength, which can help bring about healthy weight gain. Grounding yoga practice still stimulating the Mooladhara (Root) and Swadhisthana (Sacral) chakras-the two main energy points of survival, desires, and confidence-is what this article discusses.

Understanding Grounding in Yoga

Grounding refers to connecting with the earth to give firm stability and resilience in yoga. Inability to put on weight relates to being less grounded; instead, he would be oversensitive or finding it difficult to cope with challenges in life. Poses that have grounding might include lower body movement and core activation for nurturing stability and balance in one’s overall wellness.

Key Yoga Poses for Weight Gain

The following practice is dedicated to establishing the basic foundations of poses that ground, assist in digestion, and build strength. Below is an outline of the sequence:

  1. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)


  • Stand in a ‘V’ shaped stance, heels together.
  • Move your right foot forward, so that the knee is aligned with the ankle.
  • Keep the back leg straight and push the hips forward.
  • Raise arms overhead and stretch upward while looking at your thumbs.


  • Strengthens legs, opens hips and builds confidence.
  • Grounding by joining the lower body.
  1. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)


  • Feet about four feet apart, right foot turning out, and slightly in on the left.
  • Align the heel on the right with the arch of the foot on the left.
  • Extend your arms to the sides, and reach the right hand to the shin, ankle or floor.
  • Stretch your left arm up, gazing at your thumb.


  • Improves flexibility and stability.
  • Opens the chest so that breathing as well as energy can flow easily.
  1. Eagle Pose (Garudasana)


  • Start with arms forward and crossing the left arm over the right while joining palms.
  • Bend your knees and balance while crossing the right leg over the left.
  • Squeeze thighs together, focus on the gaze, and balance.


  • Better concentration and balancing of the body.
  • Activates lower and strengthens core muscles.
  1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)


  • Lie prone with the hands placed under the shoulders.
  • Inhale while raising the chest but keeping the pelvis grounded.
  • Roll shoulders back and squeeze thighs together.


  • Strengthens back and energizes digestive organs.
  • At the same time, energy flows through the spine.
  1. Shalabhasana: Locust Pose


  • Lie on your stomach with arms stretched forward.
  • Inhale and lift your chest while arms and legs rise simultaneously.
  • Keep your toes pointed and engage the thighs.


  • Builds core strength and improves posture.
  • Stimulates the abdominal region to aid in digestion.
  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana: Seated Twist


  • Sit with legs straight. Bend left knee and cross the right foot over the left thigh.
  • Put left elbow outside of the right knee and back the right hand.
  • Twist slowly, lengthening the spine.

Benefits: –

  • Aids in digestion and detox.
  • Increases flexibility of the spine.
  1. Agnistambhasana: Fire Log Pose

Steps: –

  • Sit stacked with one leg over the other, knees and ankles lining up.
  • Flex both feet and keep the spine straight.
  • Place hands behind hips for support.


  • Opens up the hips and promotes flexibility.
  • Encourages being mindful and relaxed.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing during each asana fills in the significant role with grounding and relaxation. You should inhale through the chest and exhale slowly to experience the flow of energy and to calm the mind. This rhythmical breathing also activates the digestive organs, which is important for healthy weight gain.


Yoga for weight gain is said to strengthen mind and body, giving a more holistic approach to the therapy. This would then teach one’s self to build a body that becomes stable physically and much deeper than that. Including these postures in practice would create a better relationship with your body that is stable and healthy. Enjoy the growth throughout the journey as a process and accompany it with the touch of yoga into a peaceful and balanced life.

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